Thursday, December 15, 2011


I am so addicted to Pinterest.  I think I have wrote about needing an intervention for this addiction before, but it has gotten worse.  I have been pinning printables like crazy especially with Christmas right around the corner.  I have been trying to track down cute Christmas tags.  I have had this printable pinned for a while now.  Since I have been making one gift per person this year, it would be perfect if it were more Christmas themed.
So, I set out to make my own.  I found this blank template for printables. 
I used the paint program that comes with most computers and added a Merry Christmas and changed up the colors and it was that simple.  What do you think?

I tried to figure out how to make this downloadable for everyone to be able to use, but apparently I am not smart enough for that.  So, if anyone wants to give me a crash course in setting up CSS print page, I will totally set that up!

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