Friday, August 5, 2011

Priorities Priorities

Do you ever feel like you have your priorities in the wrong place?  I have been having that feeling for the last couple of weeks.  I will be going back to college in nine days!  College after being out of school for fourteen years.  I am definitely nervous to go back to college.  I remember the first time I went.  I only was able to go for two years before I stopped going. When I was in college, I was taking a full time load of classes and working two jobs and cheering.  Looking back, I don't know how I was able to do it for as long as I did! 
So, with me being 33 years old and going back to school, I have so much I my mind.  But oddly enough, I have one thing on my mind the most....what am I going to wear and what kind of bag am I going to carry.  Yes, like I said, I have my priorities in the wrong place.  I am worried that I will look too old.  I don't want to dress to old, but I don't want to dress like I am trying to look young. 
I finally decided on a few bags that I wanted but I could not decide for sure which one I was going to buy.  So, I bought them both!  Why not?  Here are pictures of what I purchased.  What do you think?

looks small, but it really is a great size